Do policy makers use Facebook?

The Illinois House is currently considering a bill to legalize civil unions between same-sex couples, granting them the same legal rights given to married couples. And students who care are trying to get their voices heard.

Over 8,000 students have joined the "Students for the Illinois Marriage Equality Bill" Facebook group created by Lake Forest sophomore Phil Miatkowski in February. But pledging their support in their profiles isn't all.

The students have also formed, which allows visitors to get background on the bill, find local events near them, and easily send a message to their local representative to pledge their support for the bill. In order to increase word-of-mouth awareness of the bill, a visitor can also plug in the e-mail addresses of up to ten friends to send information to.

Bill supporter Rep. Greg Harris (D-Chicago) reached out to Miatkowski to thank him for the additional support of the Facebook group, and his letter of thanks is posted on the group's 'Recent News' section. It is unclear when the bill will be called before the House for a vote; will the 8,000+ students voices be heard?